5-Computer Architecture

  1. 1. Buses in Von Neumann Architecture (Unit 5.1)
  2. 2. The Fetch-Execute Cycle (Unit 5.2)
    1. 2.1. Fetching
    2. 2.2. Program Counter
    3. 2.3. The Fetch-Execute Clash

Buses in Von Neumann Architecture (Unit 5.1)

3 Information flows (bus):

Information Flows

The Fetch-Execute Cycle (Unit 5.2)

The basic CPU loop:

  • Fetch an Instruction from the Program Memory
  • Execute it.
  • Repeat this.


  • Put the location of the next instruction in the Memory address input (Program Counter)
  • Get the instruction code by reading the contents at that Memory location

Program Counter

Program Counter

The Fetch-Execute Clash

The instructions and data pieces are stored in a single memory, so there is a clash.


Simpler Solution (Harvard Architecture):

To separate the data memory and program memory into 2 modules.
No need to switch between fetching and executing.