Why Nand? -- starting Nand2Tetris part I

  1. 1. Boolean logic (unit 1.1 – 1.3)
    1. 1.1. Algebra rules
    2. 1.2. Truth table to Boolean Expression
    3. 1.3. To prove Why-Nand
      1. 1.3.1. The Theorem
      2. 1.3.2. Here comes the Nand
      3. 1.3.3. Nand takes over.
  2. 2. References


Boolean logic (unit 1.1 – 1.3)

Algebra rules

  • Commutative laws

    • x AND y == y AND x
    • x OR y == y OR x
  • Associative laws

    • x AND (y AND z) == (x AND y) AND z
    • x OR (y OR z) == (x OR y) OR z
  • Distributive laws

    • x AND (y OR z) == (x AND y) OR (x AND z)
    • x OR (y AND z) == (x OR y) AND (x OR z)
  • De Morgan laws

    • NOT (x AND y) == NOT (x) OR NOT (y)
    • NOT (x OR y) == NOT (x) AND NOT (y)
  • Other rules

    • x AND x == x
    • x OR x == x

Truth table to Boolean Expression

  1. Focus all the “1” results

  2. write down all the expressions which only apply to the single rows in the truth table

  3. OR these expressions together

    Truth table to Boolean Expression

  4. Simplify it.

    In the example above, give a close look at the first two clauses: we have both possibilities for “y” and the same fixed value for “x”. So, we can combine the two clauses, which does not ask about y and only ask about “NOT(x)” and “NOT(z)”.

    Then keep doing this.

    Simplify it

    Note that finding the shortest expressions is not easy for humans nor for algorithms, because this is a NP-hard problem.

To prove Why-Nand

The Theorem

Any Boolean function can be represented using an expression only containing AND and NOT operations.

Then, we introduce the NAND gate, which is proved to be the only needed gates.

Here comes the Nand

x NAND y == NOT (x AND y)

“NAND” is short for “NOT AND”.

Nand takes over.

  1. NOT (x) == x NAND x
  2. x AND y == NOT (x NAND y)

The gate interface in unique. There is only one way to describe its functionality. Meantime, there are multiple implementations that realize the same obstruction. This duality of “one obstruction, many different implementations” is very typical in Computer Science.



Q. 用NAND以外别的gate做计算机的基础行不行?
A. 当然可以,比如NOR (NOT OR)。这就像物理中用不同的坐标系一样。只不过NAND相比于其他gate造价相对便宜。

Q. 这门课直接把Nand拿来用,但是黑盒里面是怎么实现的呢?
A. 这更像是一个物理问题,不属于这门课的范围。但是很容易举出一个实现的例子:用NMOS实现与非门电路
